Potential Airdrop From Edu3Labs || Complete Tasks To Join Now.

Airdrop Buzz
2 min readSep 11, 2023

Confirmed airdrop from Edu3Labs
Cost = $0

Potential gain = $2000

📣🧬Complete these Steps

⚡ Get testnet BNB tokens from the faucet — https://testnet.bnbchain.org/faucet-smart

⚡ Go to the website and connect your wallet — https://test.edu3labs.com

⚡ Add/Update your Profile Information

⚡ Upload Materials by clicking “Creator Dashboard” button 1. Video Materials must be .mp4 2. Audio Book Materials must be .mp3 3. Written content PDF Materials like Academic Research, article, or book must be .pdf

⚡ Decide the Price, sell your NFTs, and Buy Other User’s NFTs When review team approves your course, your course will be in the “Minting” section. From here click the “Mint” button and mint your NFTs. After that, your course will be in the “Active Courses” below.

⚡ From the “Published” section, you can list your NFT. You can set your price with the “List NFT” button. After doing this, your content is listed on the marketplace

⚡ Read, Listen, or Watch Educational Materials

⚡Fill out the Submit Form and Give your Feedback in the #Public-feedback Channel. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1CqAsJW1dDS-M9PsgkNy4QmqE3JsdZ8j-ZtVjx0YYEvg… When you finish your test, you can share your Testnet experience in the #Public-feedback channel on Discord

=> If You Like Please Clap👏🏽 50X and Follow🚶🏽‍♂️.

Disclaimer :: This information is what was found publicly on the internet. This is all my own opinion. All information is meant for public awareness and is public domain. Please take this information and do your own research.

Telegram Channel ::: https://t.me/airdropbuzz56

Telegram Disscusion ::: https://t.me/airdropbuzz90

Facebook ::: https://www.facebook.com/airdropbuzz1/

Tiktok ::: https://www.tiktok.com/@airdropbuzz9?...

Twitter ::: https://twitter.com/AirdropBuzz1

Instagram ::: https://www.instagram.com/airdropbuzz1

Reddit ::: https://www.reddit.com/user/AirdropBuzz9

Medium ::: https://medium.com/@airdropbuzz9

