Nucleon Public Incentivized Testnet & Bug Activity || Zero Investment Airdrop || Join Now.

Airdrop Buzz
10 min readJan 13, 2023


NUCLEON Announcing Incentivized Testnet Activity

Complete relevant activities and earn rewards.

The Nucleon team is thrilled to announce that we have launched our long-awaited testnet, and we invite all members of the DeFi community to test out our platform and provide feedback.

The total prize pot for the Public Testnet Launch Bug Bounty Program is $10,000 worth of NUT (Nucleon Platform Governance Token), which:

If a bug has been found repeatedly, only the first respondent will be rewarded.

All feedback and suggestions will be carefully reviewed by the team, to ensure a bug-free mainnet launch. All participants that correctly submit feedback will receive $NUT tokens once the token is launched. If a bug has been found repeatedly, only the first respondent will be rewarded.

Nucleon reserves all rights regarding bug reports, and how it categorizes and allocate rewards.

Useful Smart Contract Addresses

Nucleon Token Addresses:

xCFX — 0x092690013ef7af87eaf45030906baa86b8faa411

NUT — 0x48ee76131e70762db59a37e6008cce082805ab00

Swappi LP Addresses :

xCFX/CFX LP — 0xe5132212769717E7A39359c5E2b3CefF00E3e7A3

NUT/CFX LP — 0x63c853b6735a61f6035984e805b6e41cff1084cb

To be Qualified:

8 Simple Activities

  1. Stake CFX and receive xCFX (Submit here on Crew3)
  2. Unstake xCFX (Submit here on Crew3)
  3. Add Liquidity to Liquidity Pools on Swappi (Submit here on Crew3)
  4. Stake LP Tokens from Swappi into Nucleon for Liquidity Mining (Submit here on Crew3)
  5. Withdraw Liquidity from Liquidity Pools (Submit here on Crew3)
  6. Claim Rewards from Liquidity Pools (Submit here on Crew3)
  7. Add NUT/CFX LP on Swappi and stake on Nucleon (Submit here on Crew3)
  8. Stake NUT/CFX LP Tokens to Nucleon’s Liquidity Pool (Submit here on Crew3)

To claim Testnet tokens please visit:

To begin with, you need to: Connect your MetaMask wallet to Nucleon

  1. Open Nucleon:
  2. Click on Launch App.

3. Click Connect Wallet to connect your MetaMask wallet to Nucleon.

4. Enter your MetaMask password on the pop-out window; select the account that you wish to connect and click Next.

5. Click Connect to confirm the connection of your MetaMask account to Nucleon.

You have now successfully connected MetaMask to Nucleon.

Users need to have CFX in order to test out Nucleon’s features. To claim testnet CFX, simply:

  1. Open Conflux eSpace Testnet Faucet:
  2. Input your hex40 address.
  3. Input the captcha and click claim.

Nucleon Public Testnet Tutorial

1. Stake CFX

By locking up your cryptocurrency assets for a fixed or variable period on Nucleon, users are able to earn a passive income for staking and support the security of the blockchain network.

  1. First, click on Stake.

2. Enter the amount of CFX that you would like to stake and click Stake now. If you have insufficient CFX, please use the faucet above to claim.

3. Check transaction details and click Confirm.

4. You have now successfully staked CFX and received xCFX in proportion to Nucleon’s exchange rate and service fee.

In the example above, the user staked 20 CFX and received 19.76 xCFX in return. The difference between the CFX to xCFX ratio grows as per Nucleon’s liquid staking design.

2. Unstake CFX

Users are able to unstake certain amount of the asset that was originally committed to staking and this will be displayed instantly on your dashboard.

  1. First, click on Stake.

2. Then, click on unStake CFX.

3. Input the amount of CFX that you would like to unstake, and click unStake.

4. Check the transaction details and click Confirm.

5. You have successfully unstaked CFX and this can now be viewed on your updated xCFX balance.

2.1 Claim CFX from xCFX

After unstaking xCFX, Nucleon obtains the corresponding CFX from its PoS pool for the user. The unstaking of CFX from any given PoS pool depends on the staking design of Conflux Network.

The PoS design of Conflux Network requires a lock-up time period for staking and unstaking of CFX into any given pool and cannot be bypassed, read more: here.

For this reason, Nucleon has implemented a 14-day unlock period until the user can claim their unlocked CFX.

Once a user has successfully unstaked, the user can view their unstaking transactions and their process at the buttom of the Unstaking page:

The image above shows the amount of xCFX being unstaked, the unlock value of CFX according to the CFX to xCFX ratio at the time of unstake, the estimated unlock date when the user can obtain the CFX, and the status of the Unstaking.

In addition, on the top right of the Unstaking page, users can see how many CFX are currently in its unstaking period of the Conflux PoS mechanism, and how many are already unlocked and available to claim. See the figure below:

Once the CFX are unlocked and available to claim as show in the overview field, you can received your CFX in the following order:

  1. Confirm that there are CFX unlocked and available to claim in the connected wallet.

2. Click on Claim.

3. Check the transaction details and click Confirm.

You have successfully claimed your CFX from the Conflux PoS pool and this can now be viewed on your updated CFX balance and in your wallet.

3. Add CFX/xCFX Liquidity to Liquidity Pools

A liquidity pool is a collection of digital assets accumulated to enable trading on a decentralized exchange (DEX).

Users can add LP to earn Nucleon’s Governance token NUT and to earn trading fees.

In addition, the liquidity pair CFX/xCFX has a steady growing ratio as per Nucleon’s liquid staking design. Advanced users can also explore arbitrage opportunities to maintain the correct ratio and earn trading fees and arbitrage profits.

  1. Click on Pools.

2. Select the corresponding pool that you want and click on Add Liquidity. In this case, XCFX/CFX.

3. You have been redirected to Swappi, and now click on Add Liquidity.

4. Click on Select a token.

5. Input xCFX and add the token.

Note: If you cannot find xCFX on the token list, simply paste its contract

xCFX address: 0x092690013ef7af87eaf45030906baa86b8faa411

6. Enter the amount of asset that you would like to supply and click on Supply.

7. Check transaction details and click Confirm Supply.

8. Click on Confirm in the MetaMask pop-out confirmation window.

9. You have successfully added liquidity to the liquidity pool, please refresh the Nucleon page to show the updated balance of LP tokens.

You can check whether you have successfully received the xCFX/CFX — Swappi LP tokens by adding the LP to your wallet:

xCFX/CFX-LP address: 0xe5132212769717E7A39359c5E2b3CefF00E3e7A3

4. Stake CFX/xCFX LP Tokens

  1. First, click on Pools.

2. Select the corresponding LP and click on Stake.

3. Manually enter the amount that you would like to stake, or simply use the slider, and then click on Approve Liquidity/Stake Liquidity.

4. Check transaction details and click Confirm.

5. You have successfully staked and this should be displayed on the Nucleon page.

5. Withdraw Liquidity from Liquidity Pools

  1. First, click on Pools.

2. Select the corresponding LP and click on Manage.

3. Click on Withdraw.

4. Manually enter the amount that you would like to withdraw, or simply use the slider, and then click on Withdraw Liquidity.

5. Check transaction details and click Confirm.

6. You have successfully withdrawn liquidity, and Nucleon will now show the updated balance.

6. Claim NUT Rewards from Liquidity Pools

  1. First, click on Pools.

2. Select the corresponding pool, and click on Claim Rewards.

3. Click on Claim Rewards from the pop-out window.

4. Click Confirm on the MetaMask pop-out window.

5. You have successfully claimed rewards.

7. Add NUT/CFX Liquidity to Liquidity Pools

After you have obtained your rewards, you can either HODL, sell or provide liquidity on Swappi.

To add NUT/CFX liquidity, it’s the same process as in 3) but with NUT instead of xCFX.

These are the relevant token addresses:

  • NUT — 0x48ee76131e70762db59a37e6008cce082805ab00
  • NUT/CFX LP — 0x63c853b6735a61f6035984e805b6e41cff1084cb

8. Stake NUT/CFX LP Tokens to Nucleon’s Liquidity Pool

Stake on Nucleon for more NUT liquidity mining rewards.

It’s the same process as in 4) but with NUT instead of xCFX.

These are the relevant token addresses:

  • NUT — 0x48ee76131e70762db59a37e6008cce082805ab00
  • NUT/CFX LP — 0x63c853b6735a61f6035984e805b6e41cff1084cb

Picking the Winners

  • You will be ranked on the leaderboard based on your point score.
  • Winners will be randomly selected from all the [Full Scores] to share the rewards. Full scores = 1150xp.
  • If there are not enough winners with full scores, then the winners will be selected according to the scores ranking to share the rewards.

Terms and Conditions

  • The contest starts on January 6th, 2023 . The contest ending will be announced by Nucleon at a later date.
  • Winners will be announced on Nucleon’s Twitter and on Crew3.
  • Rewards will be distributed to eSpace wallet addresses (ETH wallet addresses).
  • The top 200 winners will receive $10 in NUT. If there is a tie, winners will be selected at random with the same score.
  • Nucleon reserves the right to the final interpretation of the activity. Nucleon reserves the right to change or modify these terms at its discretion at any time.
  • Where any discrepancy arises between the translated versions and the original English version, the English version shall prevail.

=> If You Like Please Clap👏🏽 50X and Follow🚶🏽‍♂️.

Disclaimer :: This information is what was found publicly on the internet. This is all my own opinion. All information is meant for public awareness and is public domain. Please take this information and do your own research.

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